Make way for the Hurricane!

February 15, 2012


... is a hurricane. This particular picture was taken in September of 1996 of the 6th named storm and 5th hurricane of the season. "She" developed from a tropical wave near Cape Verde on August 23rd. After going parallel to the Bahamas "She" made landfall in North Carolina on September 6th. "She" was a Category 3 storm with 120mph winds that resulted in coastal flooding, damaged cars, 63,000 without power, 27 fatalities and $3.2 in damage....

Her name you ask? FRAN.

Gregg Glassman (you know who he is right?), is quoted in this article saying "if a hurricane that wrecks havoc on a whole town can be Fran, so can a workout." In fact... the more recent of the "nasty girl" WOD's are named for the Elite CF Athletes, but the originals are named for hurricanes (fitting no?). So anyway... Glassman developed Fran as one of the "original benchmark" WODs.

Fran is known by all CF athletes... most "meet" her pretty soon after starting CrossFit. I had my first encounter back in September. It was our first WOD in the new gym. A few months went by and there I was, faced with Fran again on January 16th. I cant say I didnt have a "down" moment when I finished that day because I was 26 seconds slower than my first time... what K reminded me of, is that the first time I did it I had the massive black band for my pullups and this time I was down to the lightest green band. So I did cheer up a bit. What I was unaware of (somewhat) was the fact that Fran was going to come get me again just 6 weeks later as the "paleo challenge WOD."

This morning was the day... the goal, to beat my last time. The situation, we had to set up the exact same parameters that we had 6 weeks ago to see how well we improved through the challenge. The small green band and I had a date with the pullup bar... not looking forward to that. I havent figured out how to kip with the band so it threw me for a total loop. For some reason I was nervous and queasy even before the clock started, I really wanted to do well and I really wanted to beat my time.

I feel like I really improved on my thrusters, did the first 21 unbroken and felt great... it was the pullups that slowed me down again. I was pushing to keep my hands on the bar and keep going through the pullups, I know its in my head. I had a really tough time with them... but I kept going. I so badly wanted to be able to fly through them... however, I dont want to focus on the negative.

After just 6:54 I was done. Yep, took 37 seconds off my time. What did I learn... even though I have started to do kipping pullups, I have to work on my dead hang pullups, that was not a good feeling. BUT... I know I did well, I know I pushed myself, and I know the next time I will do even better.

Look out FRAN... we are all coming to get you!!

Another good note... I got to do my favorite lift today. My weight hasnt changed at all since starting the Paleo Challenge. I know I have changed "shape" so maybe that means I have lost some fat and gained some muscle. There is certainly a change in my muscle tone. Doing deadlifts make me feel great. This morning was no different. I was able to increase my 2 minute AMRAP max by 3 reps... which I felt was pretty good since I started at 28!

All in all, it was a good day at CFW, I am looking forward to sleeping in a bit tomorrow and hanging with the night crew tomorrow night for some skill work!

- 20 Walking Lunges
- 10 GHD Situps
- 10 Pushups
- 10 Inchworms
2 X 9 Fundamentals
2 Min Mobility

WOD: "Fran"
21-15-9 for Time
- Thrusters 65lbs
- Pullups (small green band)
(My Time 6:54)

Bodyweight Deadlifts AMRAP 2 Minutes
166lbs - 31 Reps

WEEK 6, DAY 3: Paleo Challenge
Post Workout Shake - 2 Scoops Protein
Morning Tea
Morning Snack - 2 Egg Muffins with Mushrooms, Onion, Tomato
Lunch - Leftover Crock Pot Chicken with Spaghetti Squash
Afternoon Tea
Snack - Lara Bar
Dinner - Salad with Steak and Oil and Vinegar


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