Balls to the Wall

November 23, 2011

#23 - I am thankful for my Dad. My hero, my protector, my best and worst critic. He taught me honesty, respect, determination and humbleness. He inspires me to give my 110% at everything I do, big or small. There isnt a task I cant accomplish if I put my mind to it. He is a solid rock for my mom and I, and is always there for us when we need him. He has worked hard his whole life to provide for us. He is the strongest man I know, been through more than most in his life, yet always comes out with his head high on the other side. I am proud to be a Zawacki and I am proud to be just like my dad.

When T and I arrived at the gym this morning we were greeted by M. He had posted one heck of a warmup for us!! Everything from burpee pullups to wall walks!! I was really really happy with myself that I was able to do the burpee pullups without an assist band. I am closer than I think to a pullup. I really want to focus on a dead hang pullup before the kipping pullup, and I feel it is right around the corner! Thats exciting!

When we were done the warmup we were both beat! My legs were junk still from the run on Sunday, than the WOD yesterday!! But, as we know at CrossFit, the show must go on!! We got ready with our med balls and M set the clock. We were about to face "Karen" and her 150 balls!!

It was a tough one... the power to just keep going was all I had. My legs were burning, and my lungs were huffing and puffing away. I didnt want to take big breaks so my method was to just let the ball drop when I was getting tired and bed right down, pick it up and keep going. When I hit 50 it was the first milestone. Finally, I hit 100... and at that point it was like I was in the last mile of the 5 mile run... Just keep pushing!

When we were done, we were exhausted!! Even more than we were when we started!! However, there was still a "pre-turkey day" TABATA ab circuit to get to. I felt like I had nothing left to give, but again puled from within and completed the circuit.

Nothing like a "three WOD" day leading into Thanksgiving!!

Row 1000m
3 Rounds
- 5 Burpee Pullups
- 5 Ring Dips
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Grasshoppers
- 3 Wall Walks

WOD: "Karen"
150 Wall Balls (14lbs) for Time
(My Time 10:11)

TABATA Ab Circuit
20 Seconds on @ each station,
10 Seconds test for transition
3 Rounds
- Abmat Situps
- L Sits
- K2E
- Hollow Rocks


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