Lift... Rinse... Repeat
November 11, 2011
#11 - I am thankful for the Veterans as well as all active duty military. I dont even have words for your braveness and commitment to keeping us and our country safe. My heart breaks for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice, may your families find peace in knowing so many people pray for you daily. My grampa and dad were both active military men who served in the army. They are both my heros...
Heres my Grampa... I miss him...
Yeah yeah yeah, I took today off from work and still had to support my "addiction" by waking up at 4:45 and getting to the gym for my 5:30am workout. Some people may think I am nuts, but I really enjoy starting my day that early... I have things I want to get done today and since I asked K and she said "no problem, its no different from any other Friday" I went for it. I am so glad that I did. Really, if I was to sleep later I think I would be more tired and just totally thrown off for the day. So, thanks K for being there to support my addition!! I can always count on a fellow addict for that one!
Today was super exciting. The WOD was "DT..." to refresh your memory HERE is the post about the last time I was challenged by DT. It was the week before we left the garage, T and I were slamming weights to the ground below P and T's bedroom and waking all the neighbors one last time! Well, today was the day I got to see how far I have come by doing the exact same workout.
The Rx weight is 105 for women. I was a little apprehensive because of the hanging cleans and push jerks with that weight. I know I can get the weight up, but it was more about the repetition that caused me to reduce the weight a bit from there. So, I looked in my notebook and saw that the last time I did this, I used 85 for 1 round, 75 for the next 2, and 65 for the last two. Today, with K's encouragement I started at 95lbs.
Well, wouldn't you know it. I also FINISHED with 95lbs. I did all 5 rounds with 95lbs. The first round had me a little worried. The deadlifts (on all 5 rounds) were cake, I was working on my "touch and goes" really thinking about quickly descending to the start position and focusing all my attention on the lift. The first round of hanging cleans were tough and I was finishing the 9 reps I was thinking "am I going to need to reduce the weight?" Than I moved into the push jerks. My biggest mistake was dropping the weight after the last clean, why? Because you have to clean the weight to do the push jerk... so I wound up doing three extra cleans!
I stuck with the weight and kept moving forward. When the third round was complete I looked at K and said "OH MY GOD" two more rounds... The voice in my head turned up loud and clear and said "keep moving, keep going, you can do this." Really, thats the difference between me then and me now. I did it. I didnt give up, I didnt slow down, I didnt reduce the weight. I can do it. K has faith in me, I have faith in me... and not only did I smash my weight from the last time I did DT, but I totally CRUSHED my time, last time with less weight I had a time of 24:23... and today... 17:08!!
3 Rounds
- High Knees Length of Gym
- 10 AbMat Situps
- 10 Pushups
- 10 Spiderman
2X9 Fundamentals
500m Row (long pulls)
5 Rounds for Time
- 12 Deadlifts (95)
- 9 Hanging Power Cleans (95)
- 6 Push Press (95)
(My Time 17:08)
Spend time on mobility.
#11 - I am thankful for the Veterans as well as all active duty military. I dont even have words for your braveness and commitment to keeping us and our country safe. My heart breaks for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice, may your families find peace in knowing so many people pray for you daily. My grampa and dad were both active military men who served in the army. They are both my heros...
Heres my Grampa... I miss him...
Yeah yeah yeah, I took today off from work and still had to support my "addiction" by waking up at 4:45 and getting to the gym for my 5:30am workout. Some people may think I am nuts, but I really enjoy starting my day that early... I have things I want to get done today and since I asked K and she said "no problem, its no different from any other Friday" I went for it. I am so glad that I did. Really, if I was to sleep later I think I would be more tired and just totally thrown off for the day. So, thanks K for being there to support my addition!! I can always count on a fellow addict for that one!
Today was super exciting. The WOD was "DT..." to refresh your memory HERE is the post about the last time I was challenged by DT. It was the week before we left the garage, T and I were slamming weights to the ground below P and T's bedroom and waking all the neighbors one last time! Well, today was the day I got to see how far I have come by doing the exact same workout.
The Rx weight is 105 for women. I was a little apprehensive because of the hanging cleans and push jerks with that weight. I know I can get the weight up, but it was more about the repetition that caused me to reduce the weight a bit from there. So, I looked in my notebook and saw that the last time I did this, I used 85 for 1 round, 75 for the next 2, and 65 for the last two. Today, with K's encouragement I started at 95lbs.
Well, wouldn't you know it. I also FINISHED with 95lbs. I did all 5 rounds with 95lbs. The first round had me a little worried. The deadlifts (on all 5 rounds) were cake, I was working on my "touch and goes" really thinking about quickly descending to the start position and focusing all my attention on the lift. The first round of hanging cleans were tough and I was finishing the 9 reps I was thinking "am I going to need to reduce the weight?" Than I moved into the push jerks. My biggest mistake was dropping the weight after the last clean, why? Because you have to clean the weight to do the push jerk... so I wound up doing three extra cleans!
I stuck with the weight and kept moving forward. When the third round was complete I looked at K and said "OH MY GOD" two more rounds... The voice in my head turned up loud and clear and said "keep moving, keep going, you can do this." Really, thats the difference between me then and me now. I did it. I didnt give up, I didnt slow down, I didnt reduce the weight. I can do it. K has faith in me, I have faith in me... and not only did I smash my weight from the last time I did DT, but I totally CRUSHED my time, last time with less weight I had a time of 24:23... and today... 17:08!!
3 Rounds
- High Knees Length of Gym
- 10 AbMat Situps
- 10 Pushups
- 10 Spiderman
2X9 Fundamentals
500m Row (long pulls)
5 Rounds for Time
- 12 Deadlifts (95)
- 9 Hanging Power Cleans (95)
- 6 Push Press (95)
(My Time 17:08)
Spend time on mobility.
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