"Jack" be Nimble
November 4, 2011
#4 - I am thankful for my morning cup of coffee. I know it seems so simple, but when I get to work after a Crossfit Workout, or when I make my way downstairs to the couch on Saturday or Sunday morning, or when I grab one to go on the way out the door. It makes me so happy, starts my day off right and gets me ready to face the next 8 hours. I have started drinking it black, as I mentioned and I am really appreciating my coffee "au natural" more than I expected!
Today was a challenging WOD. Not to mention, even more challenging when you get to the gym and realize you left your sneakers at your house... oops. So I remembered, as I usually do, to wear a second pair of sneakers so I dont track crap into the gym however, as I pulled up I realized, CRAP... I forgot my sneakers! The sneakers I was wearing were not going to cut it, but thankfully K wears the same size shoe as me and was kind enough to let me borrow them for the WOD... yeah, Hubs... now I want a pair of Inov-8's...
#4 - I am thankful for my morning cup of coffee. I know it seems so simple, but when I get to work after a Crossfit Workout, or when I make my way downstairs to the couch on Saturday or Sunday morning, or when I grab one to go on the way out the door. It makes me so happy, starts my day off right and gets me ready to face the next 8 hours. I have started drinking it black, as I mentioned and I am really appreciating my coffee "au natural" more than I expected!
Today was a challenging WOD. Not to mention, even more challenging when you get to the gym and realize you left your sneakers at your house... oops. So I remembered, as I usually do, to wear a second pair of sneakers so I dont track crap into the gym however, as I pulled up I realized, CRAP... I forgot my sneakers! The sneakers I was wearing were not going to cut it, but thankfully K wears the same size shoe as me and was kind enough to let me borrow them for the WOD... yeah, Hubs... now I want a pair of Inov-8's...
I kid, I kid... Kinda...
Anyway, I got started with the warmup and after the disaster with the double unders on Wednesday I was expecting the 25 I had to do to take me for-ev-er... but they didnt. Got em done in two long runs. Must have been the kicks!
After the warmup I got my 75lb bar ready for the WOD. I was looking forward to this one! Strengthening my upper body is something I want to focus on, so these OH exercises are really going to do me well. I also got the 20" box and 25;bs kettle bell ready to go. KP was there with me, we together agreed to have the clock count down from 20 minutes for this AMRAP. Holy crap were we about to start a 20 minute AMRAP... this is going to take a while!
The first set was a breeze. I did all 10 push presses, all 10 KB swings and all 10 box jumps before taking a sip of my water. I did this unbroken (with a few breaths here and there) for 3 full rounds... than I looked at the clock... REALLY?! Only 13 minutes left?! It really felt like the clock had stood still through that whole thing. How was there that much time left?!
My reps started to get a little slower at that point, I had to break the push presses into 5's. I was determined to not do less than 5 in a row. I held through to that all the way to the end. I also continued to do the KB swings unbroken and besides the timing it took to reset my feet, I was unbroken on the box jumps. The downfall was the time between the exercises. I started to feel like I was wasting so much time. Not sure what the hangup was, I was feeling a bit nauseous... but sometimes I get like that in a WOD. I typically just push through it like I did today than it goes away.
Finally K yelled out "1:30" while I was starting my 8th round of box jumps. I was determined to at least get another set of push presses in. I finished the box jumps and moved right over to the bar, no rest, no water, just got to work. I managed to get all 10 in as she was counting down. Damn... that was a tough one!
25 Double Unders
2 Rounds
- 15 Air Squats to Ball
- 10 Scorpions
- 5 Hand Release Pushups
- 10 Back Extensions
- 15 Abmat Situps
2 Min Squat Sit
WOD: "Jack"
20 min AMRAP
- 10 Push Press (75lbs)
- 10 KB Swings (35lbs)
- 10 Box Jumps (20")
(8 Rounds + 10)
GHD Sit-Ups
6:30am: Post Workout Shake
7:00am: Dried Bananas and Mangos
8:00am: Pumpkin, Apple, Banana, Coconut, Coconut Water and Cinnamon Shake (YUM! Thanks Mike!)
9:00am: Black Coffee
1:00pm: Sausage and Sweet Potato Pancakes
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