Damn Double Unders...

November 2, 2011

#2 - I am thankful my job. I am lucky enough to have one that I love. That I chose a career that is both exciting and challenging. That I dont dread getting up in the morning because I have to go to work. That I followed my dream and landed in a spot I am happy with.

I am just going to start by saying when I got dressed for work this morning (since we finally have power) I dug into the "pants that havent fit in years" box under the bed... I was able to put on THREE pairs of pants that I havent worn in 5 years!! Whoot Whoot!!

Anyway, even though I thought it was "cruel" I started the warmup with a 250m row. I actually laughed when I saw it on the board. Geeze, as if the 2000m we rowed yesterday wasnt enough! In reality though, it actually really gets me warmed up, I just like to give K a hard time! The rest of the warmup was pretty business as usual, but what I was looking forward to most was the shoulder mobility with the lax ball. It give you that nice painful yet satisfying feeling... and its a great mobility exercise before the OH Squats.

I got my bar up on the rack and loaded 95lbs for the OH Squats. K than told me that it was going to be ground to overhead for the weight... so we had to clean the weight (or snatch it) than get it to our back, than push press it... THAN do the overhead squats. Ok, I can do that... but my first warmup clean ripped the cleaning wound I got last Saturday right open. Thank god A brought band aids to the gym! Genius move by her, and I was able cover it up and get set before the WOD! Thanks A!!

So K started the timer and off I went. These OH Squats took a lot of control and a lot of focus. I had no problem cleaning the weight and getting it up over my head. I picked a spot on the floor and decided that was the focus for the entire 10 reps. All I thought in my head was "DO NOT STOP, do not put this weight down." All 10 completed and I was onto the double unders.

Apparently, since the Garage Games, where I taught myself how to do a single jump again, I cant get a damn double under. Long rope, short rope... whatever, its so fraking frustrating! I can get 5 in a row sometimes, I can get 15 in a row sometimes... and than there are the singles, awesome. When you have to do 50, its annoying to get only 5 or 3 in a row. Slows you way down.

After I managed to get the 50, one way or another, I was back for the second set of OH Squats. This time, same thing. Pick the focus spot and go for all 10. Done. Same story with the double unders. I was so mad. The third set of OH Squats were starting to look a little like they were leaning to the left. Not sure what was going on, but I could feel myself leaning. I really wanted to get them all in again so I pushed to do them unbroken. All that only to find myself back at the double unders for the last 50. Once I managed to get 50 (after taking my shoes off, than putting them back on, switching ropes... you name it) I was done. A time of 12:06, that was a little disappointing to me. Next time I will have those double unders!

We walked over to the kettle bells for the strength and I said to K, "whats the weight for the heavy kettle bell swings" and she said "well I know you can do 35, so you should do 50." I thought, and said out loud "really, who knows if I can do this." It was 4 sets of 10 reps. She told me I would probably have to do one to get the weight up there... so i went for it. Wouldnt you know, all 4 sets of 10 complete. Thats the best thing about my coaches is that they believe in me, and thats awesome!

3 Rounds
- 250m Row
- 10 GHD Sit Ups
- 5 Push Ups
- 5 Pull Ups
2 X 9 Fundamentals
Shoulder Mobility on Lax Ball

2010 Northwest Regional WOD
3 Rounds for Time
- OH Squat (95lbs)
- 50 Double Unders
(My Time 12:06 Rx)

Heavy Kettle Bell Swings
(50lb Kettle Bell)

6:30am: Post Workout Shake
7:00am: Banana Chips
8:00am: Black Coffee (OMG, I am really doing this)
9:30am: Egg Muffins
12:30pm: Leftover Pot Roast and Seltzer Water
4:00pm: Asian Pear and Trail Mix Packet
8:00pm: Spaghetti Squash and Chicken 


  1. You know what Kels... I am going to have to agree! : )


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