Comfy Clothes

November 17, 2011

#17 - I am thankful for my comfy clothes. Whats better than a hoodie and pajama pants? So thankful I can come home after a long day at work filled with dress pants, sweaters, high heels and jewelery to my favorite hoodie. Kick off my shoes and walk barefoot... throw my hair in a pony (even if it is a tiny one) and relax for an hour or two.... ahhhh... feels good!

I dont really have much to say today. It was a long day and I am exhausted. Still havent been sleeping so well. Not quite sure why. I know I am working plenty hard and am tired when I lay down, I just cant make it through the night without waking up.

Today was an off day and I am really looking forward to making up the WOD on Saturday! Looks like a good one! I am feeling less sore than I was, but I am really getting anxious for Sunday... 5 miles...maybe thats whats keeping me up... the Turkey Trot is... "running" though my mind...

RUNNING IS FOR THE BIRDS!! Maybe I should pick up one of these suits so no one knows its me trailing up the rear of the pack!!


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