Garage Games Day One
September 24, 2011
What an inspiration!! Today was an amazing day. Originally I was going to be away this weekend and going to miss this fantastic display of athleticism, I am so glad that I got to see it. Hubs and I decided to go to The Garage Games at CrossFit New England to cheer on K and M while they compete amongst a few hundred crossfit athletes from all over. Previously I had only been to the one "mock" games at CF EXP a few weeks ago, but still I had no idea what to expect. This was phenomenal.
Every athlete, male or female, started at the exact same place that Hubs and I are at. At one point they were the "new guys" learning all the movements and lifts. I will not lie, it was very hard to be there and watch and now having the competitive bug that comes with CF not compete. I cant help but see the WODs and think how I would do in any particular event. I am bummed that since I originally planned to be away for the weekend or I could have easily been "convinced" by M and K to fill out that application to compete. Next time... next time I am in! Of course not to say I wouldnt be scared to death, but I know I would give it my all and sweat with the rest of them.
So the way Garage Games works, lots of different heats of both mens and womens... scaled competitors (meaning they use less weight or modified lifts) mixed in with the Rx (prescribed) competitors. If you enter the competition as an Rx competitor you have to compete in all of the WODs in that category. Day one (today) consisted of two WODS and a "Floater" that you had to either complete today, or you could get it in tomorrow as long as it was before 4:00. Todays WODS were:
1. “The Lark”
3 Rounds for time of:
16 Power Cleans (Rx:155/105) (Scaled: 115, 80)
600 meter Run
2. “OHS/MU”
A. Establish a 1 rep max Overhead Squat in 3 minutes
B. Complete as many reps as possible of Muscle ups (Scaled: Pull ups) in 3 minutes
1 point will be awarded for every pound on the OHS and 5 points will be awarded for every muscle up completed. Your score is the total of both.
3. “Floater”
30 meter Prowler Push
30 meter Sprint
5/4 Very High Box Jumps
30 meter Sprint
30 meter Prowler Push
(taken from
I was so inspired as I watched in awe as heat after heat powered through each workout. Personal Records (one by our very own K) were set all over the place. The thrill of watching people finish workouts and lay in "death stance" on the pavement... all so unbelievable. The drive and passion that is driven out of you as you try to get one more set, or push to finish every workout I am not sure where it comes from, but I know, having been in that position that it just happens.
We will be heading back tomorrow to watch the remaining 2 (or 3 if they qualify) WODs. We are looking forward to cheering on K, M, EXP friends, Rt 1 friends and every single other competitor we see for another day. Here are a few pics from today...
Inside set up for the mens overhead squat and muscle ups...
The "very high" mens "box jumps..."
One of the ladies heats of the power cleans...
K during her power cleans...
This... is a muscle up... this guy was flying through them...
M's OH Squat...
M's Power Cleaning...
K's last OH Squat!! Whoot Whoot!!
What an inspiration!! Today was an amazing day. Originally I was going to be away this weekend and going to miss this fantastic display of athleticism, I am so glad that I got to see it. Hubs and I decided to go to The Garage Games at CrossFit New England to cheer on K and M while they compete amongst a few hundred crossfit athletes from all over. Previously I had only been to the one "mock" games at CF EXP a few weeks ago, but still I had no idea what to expect. This was phenomenal.
Every athlete, male or female, started at the exact same place that Hubs and I are at. At one point they were the "new guys" learning all the movements and lifts. I will not lie, it was very hard to be there and watch and now having the competitive bug that comes with CF not compete. I cant help but see the WODs and think how I would do in any particular event. I am bummed that since I originally planned to be away for the weekend or I could have easily been "convinced" by M and K to fill out that application to compete. Next time... next time I am in! Of course not to say I wouldnt be scared to death, but I know I would give it my all and sweat with the rest of them.
So the way Garage Games works, lots of different heats of both mens and womens... scaled competitors (meaning they use less weight or modified lifts) mixed in with the Rx (prescribed) competitors. If you enter the competition as an Rx competitor you have to compete in all of the WODs in that category. Day one (today) consisted of two WODS and a "Floater" that you had to either complete today, or you could get it in tomorrow as long as it was before 4:00. Todays WODS were:
1. “The Lark”
3 Rounds for time of:
16 Power Cleans (Rx:155/105) (Scaled: 115, 80)
600 meter Run
2. “OHS/MU”
A. Establish a 1 rep max Overhead Squat in 3 minutes
B. Complete as many reps as possible of Muscle ups (Scaled: Pull ups) in 3 minutes
1 point will be awarded for every pound on the OHS and 5 points will be awarded for every muscle up completed. Your score is the total of both.
3. “Floater”
30 meter Prowler Push
30 meter Sprint
5/4 Very High Box Jumps
30 meter Sprint
30 meter Prowler Push
(taken from
I was so inspired as I watched in awe as heat after heat powered through each workout. Personal Records (one by our very own K) were set all over the place. The thrill of watching people finish workouts and lay in "death stance" on the pavement... all so unbelievable. The drive and passion that is driven out of you as you try to get one more set, or push to finish every workout I am not sure where it comes from, but I know, having been in that position that it just happens.
We will be heading back tomorrow to watch the remaining 2 (or 3 if they qualify) WODs. We are looking forward to cheering on K, M, EXP friends, Rt 1 friends and every single other competitor we see for another day. Here are a few pics from today...
Inside set up for the mens overhead squat and muscle ups...
The "very high" mens "box jumps..."
One of the ladies heats of the power cleans...
K during her power cleans...
This... is a muscle up... this guy was flying through them...
M's OH Squat...
M's Power Cleaning...
K's last OH Squat!! Whoot Whoot!!
8:00am: Coffee
12:00pm: Lara Bar
3:00pm: Split Organic Jerkey with Hubs
5:00pm: Paleo Brownies
8:00pm: Salmon and Salad with Oil and Vinegar
9:00pm: Coconut Milk Ice Cream Bar
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