Two Timer

September 28, 2011

Wow, yesterday was a rough day. I was exhausted and sneezing/coughing/blowing my nose all day! Not good. Apparently this is not allergies, this is a full blown cold! I went home from work last night and laid on the couch trying to sleep before Hubs got home from work and CFW, no success. We wound up eating dinner around 9:00 and than right to bed for me. I knew I was going to get up at 4:45am so I didnt want to waste any valuable Z's.

The alarm went off and surprisingly I felt like I slept pretty good. I am hoping yesterday was the worst of my cold and I was able to sweat some more out at CF this morning. Out the door I went. I had checked the website last night to see the workout and I was so excited to do it. Not so happy that it was on a day I wasnt feeling well, but I was going to take a shot at it and see what I could do. I am proud of my handstand push ups!! K took this shot the other day when I did them for the first time at the new gym...

I was sweating all over by the time I was done with my warmup. I am not to excited about this warm weather we are having in the fall. I love the fall, I love the cool air, so this humid muggy air is not making me happy! My core is sore from the GHD's and my legs are sore a little which I am pretty sure if from the box jumps the other day... or it could have been the air squats yesterday. I guess it dosent really matter what they are sore from at this point!

After the warmup I got right into the hanging power cleans. I think I am finally getting the motion of the clean. K explained that the hanging power clean eliminates the "deadlift" portion of the clean so its all about the hips and high pull. She stressed the speed of the pull and that the explosion is most of the work, than you just have to get under it. I took everything she said and really thought about it. My cleans looked good and I felt strong. I got out all 4 sets of 3 pretty easily and probably should have gone a little heavier. Next time for sure now that I have that motion down.

The WOD was so much fun. I really wish I had been feeling better because this one was right up my ally. I was excited for HSPU's and my all time favorite, deadlifts... AND I have been getting double unders in a row, so this had my name all over it. The problem... this damn cold. I wore out quickly and had a hard time controlling my breathing. It was a 15 minute AMRAP.

The HSPUs were great, next time I have to rid myself of the mats. I think I am subconsciously stopping myself before I hit my head on the mat. I just have to go for it to get them down. I know I can support myself. Deadlifts seemed relatively easy at 115lbs. For two of the rounds I dropped the weight at 6, than picked it up and continued the other 6, but for the first and last two I was able to hang on with K reminding me not to put it down. Double unders were great at first, than I started to get tired. K said by the end I was so heavy on my feet... I was getting so frustrated and didnt want to quit, but my body was so tired. I hate being sick.

I was happy that I went and happy that I completed the workout. Tomorrow I have a day off from CF so I should be able to get a few extra hours of sleep and hopefully kick this cold by the weekend.

250m Row
2 Rounds
- 10 Back Extensions
- 10 Walking Sampsons
- 5 Pull Ups
2 X 9 Fundamentals

"Green Eggs and Ham"
15 Minute AMRAP
- 6 HSPU
- 12 Deadlifts (115lbs)
- 24 Double Unders
(5 Rounds + 10)

Hanging Power Cleans 3-3-3-3
85, 90, 95, 100

6:30am: Post workout shake
8:00am: Banana
8:30am: Green Tea
12:20pm: Shepard's Pie
2:30pm: Green Tea
4:00pm: Pear
8:00pm: Steak Tip Salad with Oil and Vinegar and 3 Glasses of Peno


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