I asked for it...

September 26, 2011

... so I got it.

I checked the CFW website last night before heading to bed and K had not yet posted the WOD for today. While we were talking yesterday she said "so, which one do you want to do?" So I was pretty sure I was going to be faced with one of the Garage Games WODs this morning. I was not feeling well at all last night. My throat is sore, my nose was stuffed and I was exhausted... I keep telling myself its allergies but I am not so sure. As soon as I was done uploading the (well over) 400 pictures I took this weekend I made a CD for K and off to bed I went. Poor Hubs was still in the kitchen making our meals for the week, but I couldnt wait anymore. It was almost 10:00pm and I had to get up at 4:45am! I popped a benadryl and was asleep in seconds.

What felt like seconds later... the alarm went off. I dragged myself out of my benadryl coma and got dressed. I was thinking that this was going to be a tough one as I was still all heavy in the chest and my throat was dry. At least I got some sleep... as I got in my truck I decided to check the website with my phone to see what I was about to face. There it was... The Chipper!!

K and I talked a bit when I got there recapping the weekend and how awesome she and M did! They still havent posted the final standings... but just having seen them, I know they did awesome! Right onto the rower I went to start the warmup. Funny how just watching and talking to M while K was competing and talking to K while M was competing about form when you are rowing and seeing how different people attack the same workout make a huge difference. I was really concentrating on my pull and pushing through my heels, making sure I get a full pull in on each row. Its amazing how much more efficient that is.

Finally I was ready for the "Chipper." My whole way there I was thinking "I am going to get this. I am going to attack this one... and I am going to do it!" Being scared of it didnt even cross my mind. I wanted to do it so bad while I was there, it was going to be great to see how I would have stacked up with the competition. K got the 65lb bar ready for my thrusters (Rx weight for the women) and the 20" box (also Rx). I wanted to give the toes through rings a shot so I practiced a few. I like the rings so even if I wound up doing K2E that was ok. Than I practiced 65lb thrusters... seemed light, but that was only 2... I was about to face 30 of them!

Three... two... one... GO! I started. Got my feet pretty high in the toes through ring attempts a few times, but wound up mostly doing knees to elbows. Its the motion on the rings that I am not used to yet. They make it look so easy when you watch it, but no... it is not that easy to kip your body like that. The 20 were done and I was off to the thrusters.

Punched out 10 thrusters with no break and dropped the weight, 20 more to go. K was cheering me on telling me to push through the hips and explode on the movement. The weight definitely seems to get heavier as you move along. I did the last 20 in sets of 5, I couldnt let myself drop the weight before I had 5. The very last one I was sort of "stuck" at the top of the thruster. K was yelling for me to get it. I couldnt fail at that point so I pushed out one more. Done... all 30.

Now, let me tell you, the worst part of this whole WOD is the burpees... 40 burpees. Good lord. The trick, and the key was not to stop. No resting. It was fantastic to have K standing there telling me to keep going. "No rest, No Rest, keep that pace" was all I heard and it was enough. I did not stop. Not once in all 40 burpees. I will admit while I was counting to 20 I thought "I will rest at 20" but when I got there, I just wanted to keep going to get them done. Following K's advice I just kept getting down on the ground because you dont want to rest there, and all you have to do is get back up. Damn, before I knew it I was done with all 40.

The box jumps were hard as well, my legs were sore and tired from the thrusters and burpees but I needed to finish. I purposely didnt face the clock because I didnt want to know where I was standing. I just hammered through. I took maybe one or two breaks for some water because my lungs were killing (damn cold) and finally... the last one... and I was done... 11:31!! Whaa Hoo!!

Yesterday there was a 10 minute cap on this WOD. Had I competed I would have had to be in the scaled division because of my Toes through Rings... that means I would have only had to thrust 45lbs rather than 65lbs... so probably I would have been able to get under the 10 minutes!! Next time, I will do it Rx (all the way) and I will get under 10 minutes!! I have to master those hanging movements.

The skill was L sits. They hurt. I guess thats all I can say. They look like this...


... and today the goal was to just hold it for 3 sets as long as you can. K challenges me to hold each set longer than the last. I was pretty excited that each of my holds were 10 seconds LONGER than the last! Pretty exciting!!

I am looking forward to tomorrow and kicking this cold to the curb... hopefully if it is in fact a cold I sweat a lot of it out this morning! One good nights sleep tonight and hopefully I am golden!

Oh... and 4 more lbs to go to my goal weight (and two weeks left). I saw a number on the scale this morning I havent seen in 5 years! I have decided that since I only have a half an inch on my hips to loose to be the same size I was when I was that goal weight, I will be perfectly happy even if the number on the scale isnt where I want it, as long as the number on the measuring tape is! I wore a pair of shorts yesterday I havent worn in 5 years! Feeling awesome!

Words of advice... pick up a tape measure and if you are working out, track not only your weight, but your inches!!


Row 500m
2X9 Fundamentals
Row 500m
Hip Mobility (2 min each leg)

Garage Games "Chipper" for Time
20 Toes through Rings
30 Thrusters (65lbs)
40 Burpees
50 Box Jumps (20")
(My Times 11:31 Rx)

3 X Max L Sit Hold
(26, 33, 42)

6:30am: Post Workout Shake
8:20am: Green Tea
10:00am: Egg Muffins and Green Tea
12:00pm: Shepards Pie
3:30pm: Pear
6:00pm: Three Eggs and Three pieces of Bacon


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