
September 15, 2011

Last night when I got home I was so excited to finally get the chance to watch The 2011 CrossFit Games on ESPN2!!

To get the chance to watch such elite athletes compete is such a fantastic opportunity! Last night they had the first two events for 49 men and 47 women who qualified fort he games. I watched with awe as they totally hammered the workouts. The first event included open water swimming which was never included in the games before. Many athletes struggled, but as I have learned in the very short time I have been crossfitting, crossfitters NEVER say they cant do something and always hit every new obstacle with a positive attitude. This is not to say that it wasnt hard for them, that some of them were scared or intimidated by this first event... but they all ran the first 50 yards into the water knowing that they were going to give it their all and put their best foot forward.

The 4 events I watched were amazing. The abilities of these athletes is off the charts! I am by no means at all near where they are in ability, but having done most of the movements that they were doing I almost felt like I could relate to what they were doing on a level I have never felt watching other competitive sports other than dancing. I am really excited to see the next two Wednesday nights of CrossFit Games!! Check it out!

I have been thinking and I have been asked... Why? Why do this? I was thinking it while I was watching all the events at CrossFit EXP last weekend, watching all of the athletes working as hard as they possibly could to get a good time or beat the time they set for themselves to beat... Why do we put ourselves through this... why is this fun? People have asked me when I am sore "why do it?" So, I thought I would take a minute to explain why I do this and what I get out of it.

Really 99.9% of what I love about crossfit is the challenge. Its the actual act of seeing a WOD or skill/strength on the board, thinking "how am I going to do this" than actually finishing it that is the high for me. I have always been a pretty competitive person. I love the thrill of competition and the drive that you feel when you know you can do it. I remember starting cross country in high school, I was told it was "running" when I signed up for it. Little did I know that cross country was long... LONG... distance running. First day of practice when the coach said "ok, mile warmup loop..." I thought I was going to throw up. "MILE WARMUP... what the hell are you thinking." However, I signed up for it. I was going to do it, and I did, for two seasons. Nothing feels better than completing something you started. Nothing feels better than setting a goal and beating it. Nothing feels better than winning (and not in a Charlie Sheen sort of way)!

Motivation is key for me with this program. I have already been in situations where I thought I was going to fail, where I thought that there was no way... but with the encouragement of my coaches and fellow crossfitters cheering on and the willpower in me that this is what I want, that I really CAN do this... I have been able to complete things that have been unbelievable. I have changed my mindset to think "this is going to be work, but I know I can do it... it wouldt be called a 'work'out if it was easy!"

Crossfit can work for anyone. You have to be the one who WANTS to do it. The coaches are amazing... my coaches are amazing, but they have said time and time again.... that if it wasnt for people showing up and putting their best foot forward and pushing themselves to the limit that they wouldnt have a very easy job. If you want to crossfit, try it... but again its not easy, its never easy. You will sweat, you will be tired, you will breathe heavy... but you can not quit. You have to want it.

Where else can you be with a group of 30 people... some you know better than others, some total strangers and you feel as if you have a million things in common. Where you might think you will feel inadequate or not up to par and not one person ever actually makes you feel that way. Where right when you think you cant go on, all those "strangers" are transported back to when they have been in that exact same place with those exact same thoughts so they rally up and help to push and encourage you to complete what you are there to complete. Its phenomenal... just watching the games and seeing the athletes finish, than immediately walk to the next lane and encourage their competitors to push through and finish. Not seen very often in competitive sports.

So why... because I love the challenge. I love the family that I see forming with those who are enjoying the same things as me. I love that its something that is transforming both my husband and I into the people we want to be. I love that I can set a goal, beat it and set a new one. I love that my body is changing and though I have lots more work to do it is making me see that results do happen. I love that it is something that I enjoy and at the same time I am making healthy decisions for my body. I love that I can deadlift my bodyweight and I love that thats not good enough for me and I am working towards twice that... I love thats its making me a better person on the inside and out.

Feel free to leave a comment about why YOU crossfit... or why you want to crossfit!! I'd love to hear!!

8:30am: Green Tea
9:30am: Egg Frittata
12:00pm: Chicken Scallopini and Spaghetti Squash
3:30pm: Apple Pie Lara Bar
8:00pm: Three Egg Omelet with Onion and Broccoli and two slices of bacon


  1. I CrossFit because I can never stop getting better at it. There is always something to challenge me, something to kick my butt, something to celebrate and something to shoot for. I CrossFit because I love surrounding myself with competitors who double as supporters.

    Love this blog post! See ya in the AM!

  2. I Crossfit....... cause it's me against myself, and so far the score is 1 to 1. I Crossfit...... cause I will conquer myself. I Crossfit .......cause it's changing me inside and outside. I Crossfit cause...... why not Crossfit?

  3. I crossfit to prove to myself that age has no boundaries, that I am my biggest competitor. crossfit challenges physically and mentally

  4. I crossfit because it constantly challenges me to be better and to succeed. I crossfit because it is NEVER boring. I crossfit because it makes me a stronger and more confident woman. I crossfit because I want my kids to understand that being strong, fit and healthy is an important part of life and that it requires ongoing effort, perseverance, and determination. I crossfit because I can....and because Matt and Kelsey make me! ;)


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