Take that 1RM!

September 13, 2011

Well, thanks to the Patriots game I was up later than my usual Monday night last night... but thats ok. Wes Welker and the rest of the Pats can add to my Monday night viewing pleasure anytime they want! At least the game was at 7:00 and not 8:00 and when my boy and Brady completed a 99 yard touchdown play... yeah, I was ok to go to sleep!!

The alarm went off at 5:10am and I got right up. No snooze this morning. I have to get myself geared up for next week when CFW moves to their new location (YAY!)! Its going to be tricky for a while, but I am really looking forward to the new gym and seeing its overall success, success for M and K and their awesome business, for the existing and new crossfitters... and for myself! Its going to be fantastic!!

I pulled in and T shortly after. We both did the warmup. I laughed when I saw burpees... and I actually jumped forward on my first one like they made us do on Saturday. I want to practice that so the next time I can get into a rhythm. Now, not the time... maybe sometime it will be in our WOD. I am still feeling a little sore and when I started doing he sampson stretch walks... oooohhh could I feel that in my hamstrings!

One of the best things that we have been doing is this mobility stuff, the hip mobility and shoulder mobility moves that M and K have implemented into the program are heaven. They may hurt a little when you are doing them, but after the soreness I had from the weekend and doing them all yesterday and some shoulder mobility this morning, I am feeling great. I had a pretty good sweat going at the end of the warmup.

I wanted to do the WOD with T. He has limited time... so I chose to do the WOD before strength/skill today. K got the clock set for 12 minutes (counting down, I like when the time goes down rather than up when its an AMRAP) and we were ready to go. Let me tell you, that 35lb kettlebell made that little hill feel like a mile! Not sure if it was the awkwardness of holding the KB, or if it was simply the fact that with something in your hands you cant pump your arms... but it was a lot harder than I expected.

Every time I came back from the run K was right there encouraging to get down and bang out the pushups and air squats. The first set I let my mind take over, which is bad... I could feel the pain in my armpits still from the pushups and other exercises over the weekend and I took a breather at 5 pushups to adjust my arms and shake them out. The rest of the sets, I did 10 unbroken pushups!! K would squat down while I was doing the pushups and say "do them all unbroken, push through it" and ta da... I did them.

The time was almost up when I got back from my 5th run. I wanted to get in the whole set so I got right down and did the fastest 10 pushups I think I have ever done in my life! Got right up and banged out 10 air squats. K yells "30 seconds, pick up the kettlebell and go as far as you can!" I picked it right up without hesitation and off I went. I got about 50m when I heard the clock beep that time was up.

After catching my breath it was time for the deadlifts! I probably dont have to tell you, I love doing deadlifts. Now, its not really new news that the day we did our 1RM apparently I was a little timid or just didnt know how to push myself because I have beat everything (but the deadlift) weight since then. The last time we had them in a WOD (after the 1RM) was 3-3-3-Max and the most I got was 168 for 8 reps.  Today I was going to beat that. I had it in my head, I was going to do 5 of my 1 RM weight.

Started with a warmup set 95lbs, easy peasy. The first set was 155lbs. This is the weight we used for the 5 reps in the WOD on Saturday. It felt heavy. I could feel the muscles in my back sore still... but kept pushing. Mind over matter. The next two 166lbs and 175lbs... I was able to do. Than it was onto 186lbs. K and I loaded up the plates... and I rested (as you do between each of these attempts) than I was ready. Used a little chalk, since I am not afraid of it anymore... and got set. 1...2...3...4...5...and I did it!! Whoot Whoot. Clearly my 1RM isnt 186lbs anymore!! I cant wait to find out what it is!

500m Row
3 Rounds
- 10 Walking Sampson Stretch
- 10 Back Extensions
- 5 Burpees
Shoulder Mobility with Lacrosse Ball

12 Min AMRAP
-Weighted 200m Run (35lbs)
- 10 Pushups
- 10 Airsquats
(5 rds + 50m with Rx weight)

Deadlifts 5-5-5-5
(155, 166, 175, 186)

7:00am: Protein Shake
8:30am: Green Tea
11:00am: Lara Bar
1:00pm: Balsamic Glazed Flank Steak and Brussel Sprouts (Find it HERE)
3:45pm: Green Tea
9:00pm: Tilapia and spinach


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