Good Morning Fran!

September 19, 2011

Wow, what a weekend... I think I might have actually sat still for 5 minutes the whole weekend combined. It was totally my kind of weekend doing things that I love with people who make me happy. So, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! We got home from the game, I went right to the computer and Hubs said "you are going to blog NOW?! You are crazy... go to bed." Hence the short picture filled post, it was a late night and I knew as I crawled into bed a little before midnight that 5:00am was going to be a blink away!

For some reason I woke up at 4:00am with butterflies in my stomach. I have been excited about using the new gym and anxious about my morning routine, how I would get it all in, where I was going to shower and all that, it was like the first day of school! So, I think subconsciously I was thinking about it in my sleep. I couldnt for the life of me fall back asleep (not to mention those earplugs T has us wear while installing the pullup bar would have come in handy for Hubs snoring!)! Quarter to 5 I was up and ready to go.

It was so great to walk into the new gym and see "Crossfit Wachusett" on the wall!! The space looks amazing! K and M did a fantastic job pulling it all together and getting everything ready for the first day! Just walking through he door I was excited to get started with the WOD! The great big new WOD board is fantastic and right there in front of me was "Fran" and she was ready to challenge me!

I did the warmup and was able to do indoor double unders! I think doing them on the mats will help them to improve pretty quickly. I was able to get in quite a few real ones in a row. What was funny was that I wasnt quite sure where to go to start the warmup... there was so much space and I had the whole matted area to myself. Something I wasnt really used to at the garage. The high ceilings and wide room leaves plenty of options!  K made a comment while I was in the middle of the room doing abmat sit ups that I "looked so small" because I was all alone in this big space! It was pretty funny!

It was time to face "Fran." What I love is that the clock is mounted on the back wall, so it would actually take effort for me to turn and look at the clock while doing the WOD. So I didnt, and I really didnt think about it. K and I loaded up the bar with the Rx 65lbs and hung the black band on the new pullup bar (man I cant wait to do them unassisted), and set the clock. I was off.

Thrusters were first... 21. Thats a lot. I almost did them unbroken, but had to drop the weight in the middle. It was kinda awesome to have both M and K there at the same time since they were both encouraging me to keep going. The first 21 pullups were tough but I was only allowing myself a few seconds of breath if I needed it as rest. Than I got right into the 15's. I broke up the thrusters 5-5-5 again with a second of rest and a reminder from K to "pick it right back up." I love the feeling of "last set" on the 9's. I couldnt get all the thrusters in without breaking but I didnt rest much and went right into the 9 pullups. I knew I was almost done and didnt rest at all on those, I counted 3-3-3 and done. Much to my own surprise I finished in 7:05! Wow. That felt awesome!

My everything hurts... I am tired... sore... and did I mention tired. I was thinking to myself "geeze if I had a few more hours of sleep I might have been able to do a lot better." So when I meet Fran again I have to hope its not the day after a Pats game!

I do want to recap sort of how I handled food at the game. I knew that I wasnt going to stay Paleo all day, but I knew I didnt want to fly off the handle. I was drinking, pretty sure I had 6 beers, 4 outside than 2 inside, and some vodka. The way I handed the food was to stay as far away from the snack table as possible. No chips, no salsa (because of the chips) and no sweets! I love chips and salt so this was a task for me to concentrate on. I was starving when we got there and couldnt wait for some meat to be cooked. I stuck basically with steak tips, our Paleo Poppers and I did have a little chili. I had one bite of macaroni and cheese because it looked dynamite and had a bite of a friends slice of pizza inside the game. Other than that, I did pretty good not snacking. When we got out I had a burger, but I literally stuck my fork in it, added a little mustard and ate it off the fork! I didnt want the bun! I feel like it was a pretty good attempt at keeping what could have been a catastrophic food day relatively healthy! See... its possible to do this!!

25 Double Unders
2 Rounds
- 5 Pushups
- 10 Squat Lands
- 15 Abmat Situps
2X 9 Fundamentals

- Thrusters (65lbs) Rx
- Pullups (black)
(My time 7:05)

4 X 250m Row Sprint

6:30am: Post workout protein shake
7:30am: Banana
9:30am: Frittata
12:00pm: Salad with Chicken and Oil and Vinegar
3:00pm: Apple
7:30pm: Three eggs and three pieces of bacon

Found this and LOVE it!!


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