
Showing posts from March, 2013

Married to my Rope

March 25, 2013 Yes, you read that correctly. I will now be married to my rope. Any chance I get, if they are not in the WOD or the warmup I will be double-under-ing (a new word I just made up). MUST.GET. BETTER WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 10 Walking Lunges - 5 Ring Rows - 10 Grasshoppers - 10 Shoulder Dislocates - 1 Gym Jog 2 Minute Shoulder Opener STRENGTH: OH Press 2 X 5 @ 85% - 85lbs 2 X 3 @ 90% - 90lbs 2 X 1 @ 95% - 95lbs WOD: Hatch 3 Rounds for Time - 20 Burpees - 10 Snatches (65) (5:43 Rx) SKILL: 90 Double Unders (imidiately following WOD) - 2:20 3 X ME Nose and Toes - (30, 40, 30) .

What Makes You Happy?

March 24, 2013 Today is the anniversary of the passing of someone I went to high school with. I was not blessed to have been friends with her, but I did know who she was and am friends with some of her friends. I have been watching in their FB feeds as they remember her, smile about her, cry about her, share memories and photos and my heart aches for them while they talk about their angel. I feel what they feel every day. Its a pain that no one should have to go through but so many people do. Its a pain that seems so unfair and just not right... We all have things in our lives that makes us happy, that keeps us going, makes us "tick" so to speak. I am lucky enough to have a good job that I love and the sport of CrossFit, that I have used to make me a healthy and confident person.... but those things, they are not the most important things in my life... My husband, my parents, my brothers, my extended family, my best friends, my friends, my co-workers... the PEOPLE in my...

13.3 - Feel the Burn

March 23, 2013 I woke up this morning thinking... "my legs are FRIED." In addition to that I have been constantly thinking about how poor my double under performance was on Thursday and that there was absolutely no reason why I should not have a better split time than I did on. In fact, I have been pretty stressed about this workout since it was released. I knew for sure that my time would be better than last year, but I am just not confident at all in my double unders and that takes a huge toll on my mindset. After my horrid performance at the Love em or Leave em with the double unders and than my 4 minute frustration session Thursday today had the potential to be a disaster. My legs were all jacked up, but as I started moving I had a feeling they would loosen up. However, in my head I was just so nervous about the stress I was putting on myself and the expectations I had on myself... it was enough to make me sick. Here is where the far above average coaching we are so l...

Whats for Dinner - Vol 1

March 22, 2013 So, a few weeks ago (four actually) I decided it would be a really nice treat if I was to stop at the store on my way home and grab some stuff and surprise Hubs with a really great dinner when he got home from the gym. He cooks almost everything that we consume in this house, with the exception of anything baked and the occasional meal I might have to create when he isnt home... that is of course when he hasnt already prepped something and had it in the fridge for me (yes, I do know how lucky I am in case you were wondering). Having said all that, you can understand why I thought it would be nice to surprise him for a change! That I did... and he loved what I made!! It was pork, and it was cooked PERFECTLY (I had done some major damage on pork I tried to cook years ago and never tried again). I was really happy and so was he! The next weekend, it snowed. We were stuck at home for the day and went to the gym late. We had invited some friends over for dinner. Hubs had...

Say What?

March 21, 2013 Ahhhhh, well. I guess with the addition of thousands of crossfitters and crossfit boxes around the world it was bound to happen. With the announcement of 13.3 you could almost hear the great big "sigh" of everyone competing. What is it? Well you could just look up last years Open 12.4 and you would find out. Thats right! It was the "repeat" WOD of 2013. It happened last year and "we" (those who competed in the open last year) were all waiting to see which one was going to come back from the archives. Maybe some thought that the combination WOD 13.1 was going to cover the repeat since it was actually a combination of 12.1 and 12.2... but nope. What killed me was reading all the posts on FB (and the like), from CrossFitters world wide complaining that there was no "creativity" in repeating a WOD. That the "constantly varied" motto of crossfit was being put to shame with this workout. Really people?! What kind of a cross...

Tap Tap Tap

March 20, 2013 We are all "patiently" waiting!! Tap Tap Tap... 13.3 in.... 15 minutes!!!

Crime Fighter

March 19, 2013 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - Crab Walk - 10 Spiderman - 10 Ring Rows - 10 Sit Up - 10 Lunges STRENGTH: OH Press 2 X 5 @ 85% - 85 2 X 3 @ 90% - 90 2 X 2 @ 95% - 95 WOD: Crime Fighter 5 Rounds for Time - 30 Double Unders - 20 Air Squats - 10 HSPU (4 Rounds + 56 Rx) *Killed the double unders and learned a lot about mt HSPU's I needed this!! .

Holy Squats

March 18, 2013 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 20 Mountain Climbers - 5 Pushups - 10 Inchworms - 15 Shoulder Dislocates STRENGTH: Back Squat 2 X 5 @ 75% - 185 2 X 3 @ 85% - 210 2 X 1 @ 95% - 235 WOD: 12 Min AMRAP - 5 OH Squats (65) - 10 Front Squats (65) - 15 Pullups (5+25 Rx) .

It Really Happened

March 17, 2013 Some of my favorite pics from 13.2 taken by Cheryl O'Connell Riddle!

Here We Go!

March 16, 2013 Today was the day. I was going to attack 13.2 for the second time. I talked to M and came up with a pretty good strategy for how I was going to approach this workout. I knew I wanted to get at least 10 rounds. I had to get my mind into the right state and kill this workout. I was trying not to put pressure on myself, but in reality, I couldnt stop thinking about it. The time finally came and I was warming up. My head was spinning. M basically just said "dont stop moving." He and I both new that those shoulder to overheads were easy for me and the deadlifts even easier. What I had to do was make sure that my mind told my body not to stop or slow down at all on those because the box jumps were going to take the longest. When the clock started I was totally in a zone. I could hear the cheers and see the people, but at the same time I couldnt see or hear anything except the one spot on the floor that I was staring at through my bar work and the wall when I tu...


March 15, 2013 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - Bear Crawl - 10 Ring Row - 10 Shoulder Dislocates - 10 Lunges 1 X 9 Findamentals OLY: Snatch Light Snatches for 10 Min 65 X 2 75 X 2 85 X 2 95 X 2 WOD: Recovery 4 X 250 Row .

Take ONE

March 14, 2013 The 13.2 announcement was made and excitement crawled right back into my body. I was really excited to get to CFW this morning. This workout was going to be a huge challenge for me, but one I was more than willing to accept. KP and I paired up again and this time I went first. Honestly, I was just pumped to get going on the workout. I knew I was going to give it my all, but I also knew I was going to give it a second shot on Saturday regardless of the outcome. When the WOD was released last night I shook my head and thought... this is going to be one of the workouts that looks like its going to be "easy" on paper, but when you get going, the tank is going to run dry quickly! This is exactly what I didnt want to happen. I knew that I could do the shoulders to overheads without a problem and the deadlifts really quickly, it was the box jumps that were going to take the biggest toll. I was relieved in the fact that it was going to take the same toll on every...

I Will Beat Her...

February 13, 2013 I am sitting here awaiting the announcement of 13.2. As I sit cant help but think about what its going to be and try to analyze my approach at something I know nothing about. Not really getting anywhere with that one. So, I was popping around the internet and I came across some words that just totally spoke to me. Now, that is something I can wrap my head around. That is something I can take with me to the gym tomorrow when I face the "unknown." That is something every woman, every crossfitter, every person, should think about herself. Your biggest competition is you. I cant help but think about where I was last year during the Open. Its funny how some things have changed over the last year, but some things have remained the same. I feel like last year the excitement was the "newness" and the simple fact that I was just pretty damn proud of myself that I was competing. I had no expectations and no real big Open goals. This year... the exci...

Happiness is a Journey

February 12, 2013 There are good days, there are bad days. There are days that you wake up in the morning and before your feet even hit the floor you are thinking you should have stayed in bed... but there are also days that you never want to end because they are just perfect. Life wouldnt be life if there werent both types of days. I know I have a tendency to let things bother me that maybe shouldn't. I might have a sleepless night over something I cant control, or have a totally crappy afternoon because of one bad phone call or a hearing some crappy news during the day. What I have been working on teaching myself to do is put that stuff behind me. Let whatever it is happen, react and work on putting it in the past and focusing on the future. I am excited about where my life is going. I am excited about the things I have learned about myself and am still learning about myself. There is so much more life to live. WARMUP: 3 Rounds - Row 250 - 10 Spiderman - 10 Shoulde...

Wearing a Crown

March 11, 2013 I am guessing when my parents named me Sarah they were well aware of the fact that its origin is Hebrew and its meaning; princess. I might be slightly over the top sometimes, but certainly wouldnt categorize myself as a princess. I now, however, am the proud "owner" of my second crown... No, no, no, no... not that kind of crown... the "fun" kind... the kind that you have to sit in a dentist chair for an hour, get a shot of novocaine and endure the drill... AWESOME eh? Bet you wish you could have one too! Thankfully, my dentist is amazing. I am really not a fan (dont know many people who are)... but I have to say if I have to go, I am gad I go to him. His work is quick, painless and "comfortable," if thats a good word to describe dental work. Of course, no matter what way you slice it, its not quick and painless on the wallet. Now if I was a REAL princess I could pay for it with all my gold.... but for now I am just going to ...

I'll Be Damned

February 10, 2013

13.1 Complete

March 9, 2013 My absolute FAVORITE time of year is upon us in CrossFit. We have been waiting and training for the Open for 12 months and here it is. No more tomorrow's, no more "skill" sessions. Nows the time to lay it on the line, give it everything you've got and kick some major ass. Not only is it a great time for competition, but its a great time for the gym. The feeling that is inside any crossfit box during an Open workout is just insane. There is so much energy, of all kinds. There are people who have never competed and there are people who have competed a bunch of times. There are previous year regional athletes, regular competitors, masters athletes... the list goes on. Every emotion is felt within those walls. There is of course a ton of anxiety, nervousness, jitters and fear right before the WOD, followed by excitement and high energy while the WOD is taking place. Frustration and anger sets in for some... but that indescribable feeling of accomplishing...

Take a Deep Breath

March 8, 2013 Today was used as a recovery day so I can go into tomorrow morning ready for 13.1.2! I am really excited and ready for a second go around at this... WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 10 Walking Lunges - 10 Inchworms - 10 Shoulder Dislocates - 5 Pullups STRENGTH: Light Push Press 3 X 3 75, 95, 115 WOD: No Clock Recovery Row for Calories 30-25-20-15-10 KB Swing 10-15-20-25-30 .

Be Brave

March 7, 2013 Today was amazing. That is all I have to say! I have said it before and I will say it again; CrossFit is a life changing experience. Today was the "first" day of the 2013 open for us on eastern time. The WOD was announced last night so unless you were WODing at 8:00 last night... most people attempted 13.1 (for the first time) today. The excitement in my tummy when I went to bed last night was unbelievable... and when I got up at 4:45 I was practically running to the gym! So, what was so awesome? The pure courage, strength, bravery and overall confidence that exuded from the gym today had it bursting at the seams! By 6:30am, 7 CFW members (including myself) had tackled 13.1. Of those members only 3 of us competed in the Open last year... I am so inspired by all of those who are going into the Open this year for the first time! We all stand under the burpee target set our feet, look up at the target, make no eye contact with anyone and listen for the clo...

Welcome to the 2013 OPEN!

March 6, 2013 Hubs and I just sat on the couch in pure anticipation for the announcement of 13.1. CrossFit knows what they are doing and had a nice little intro to the live announcement that made my tummy flutter with butterflies (or nerves)... and than the announcement. Watching Dan Bailey and Scott Panchik perform the WOD live kinda moved that excitement of butterflies up into a lump in my throat. When you add up the two WODs from last year this is killer. A 17 minute AMRAP is a long time... these guys are crazy good and look where they gassed themselves. I am going to have to figure out a strategy for this one!  After letting it sink in... How do I feel? I feel good. I did well last year in the snatch workout and I know my cardio has improved significantly in the year. I will go into this workout the same way I approach all the rest of them. I know what I am capable of. I have to push, I have to believe and I can only do my best. Welcome to the 2013 CrossFit Open!! Yeah...

Cracked Up

March 5, 2013 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 2 X Shuttle Run - 5 Ring Rows - 10 Pushups - 15 Squats Couch Stretch STRENGTH: OH Press 2 X 5 @ 85% - 85 2 X 3 @ 90% - 90 2 X 2 @ 95% - 95 WOD: Cracked Up 10 Min AMRAP - 5 Snatch (55) - 10 Wall Balls (14) - 15 Abmat Situps (8+13 Rx) .

60 Seconds

March 4, 2013 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 1/2 Gym Crabwalk - 10 Around the Word - 10 Back Extension - 10 Spiderman - 5 Wall Ball 2 Min Pigeon Stretch STRENGTH: Back Squat 2 X 5 @ 75% - 185 2 X 3 @ 85% - 210 2 X 2 @ 93% - 225 WOD: 1 Minutes 3 Rounds for Reps - 1 Min Each Station - Double Unders - Front Squats (65) - KB Swings (1) - Pullups (130/110/100 - 350 Rx) .

What Wagon

March 3, 2013 Kinda what I looked like falling off the wagon last night... uuggg... 

Howdy Padna

March 2, 2013   Some days are just pure frustrating at this point. I am at the point now in my Oly sessions where a 5 lb PR is going to be a big one. I really have to focus and get into a good position with my form for both the snatch and the clean and jerk at the weights I am consistent with, than push to get ahead. The Saturday sessions are really helping a lot, my snatch while the number hasnt gone up, is feeling a lot better, once I can nail it, I will be on a roll. I am really looking forward to the day I hit 200lbs on the clean, but again, I am trying to not get ahead of myself. I will get there!  After the Oly session the WOD was so much fun! There was an extremely large 11:00 group to WOD and it was a partner one at that! What a blast! I was paired up with KG and we just worked really well together. First time I have worked with her and I am sure it wont be the last!  WARMUP: Snatch Warmup OLY: Snatch - 15 Min 85, 105, 115, 125 (F), 125 (F...

Challenge Complete

March 1, 2013 Today is the last day of the paleo challenge. I am not sure it actually did anything for me this time around. I think maybe a little muscle definition, but otherwise, not much. I think I am going to re-evaluate my regimen talk to M, K and Hubs, get their opinions and go from there. Overall, this mornings workout felt sort of like an "off" day. I couldnt get into my rhythm with the snatches and was all over the place. I added quiet a bit of time to that portion of the WOD. Just felt overall not so good. I will put it behind me and move on... tomorrow is another day. WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 2 X Shuttle Run - 5 Knees to Elbow - 5 Burpees - 10 Inchworms - 10 Ring Rows WOD: Isabel & Cindy w/15 min clock - 30 Snatches (95) **than** AMRAP with remaining time - 5 Pullups - 10 Pushups - 15 Squats (4:00/8) SKILL: Ab Circuit 3 Rounds not for time - 10 Situps - 10 Hollow Rocks - 10 Toes to Bar


February 28, 2013 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 20 Double Unders - 10 Toy Soldiers - 10 Shoulder Dislocates - 10 Jumping Lunges 1 X 9 Fundamentals SKILL: Work on Doube Unders Work on HSPU Work on Kipping Toes to Bar .


February 27, 2013 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 1 Gym Length Crab Walk - 10 Spiderman - 10 Ring Row - 10 Toes to Bar - 10 Grasshopper SKILL: Max Effort Chest to Bar WOD: Smoke w/15 Min Running Clock 30-20-10 - Wall Ball (14) - KB Swing (1pd) **Rest 2 Min** AMRAP Burpees over KB (5:00/82 Rx) .


February 26, 2013 WARMUP: 2 X Jump Rope Series 3 Rounds - 10 Lunges - 5 Pullups - 10 Abmat Situps - 5 Inchworms 1 X 9 Fundamentals 2 Minute Pigeon Stretch OLY: Snatch 1 Every 30 Seconds for 5 Min Alternate Power/Squat (95lbs) WOD: Contender - 75 Double Unders - 30 HSPU - 15 Clean (115) (9:31 Rx) .

Girl Power

February 25, 2013 I couldnt let this one go without noting it. This past weekend The UFC made history for having their first womens fight! The fight was the headliner for the title and was between Ronda Rousey and Liz Carmouche. Rousey too the win in the final seconds of the first round... but I feel it was so much more than just a title win for her. Made strides for all women! I love it!     WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 2 X Gym Shuttle Run - 10 Spiderman - 10 Shoulder Dislocate - 10 Toy Soldiers - 10 Pushups SKILL:  Max Effort Toes to Bar (10) OLY: Clean and Jerk EMOTM for 10 Min 3 @ 70% - 145lb 3 @ 80% - 155lb 2 @ 90% - 165lb WOD: Shake Up 12 Minute AMRAP - 5 Ring Dip - 10 Jerk (95) - 15 Air Squats (6+5 Rx) .

Humor for a Sunday

February 24, 2013

Accident Prone

February 23, 2013 Not sure what is going on but I have been on an accident prone spree lately. This morning had a lovely incident with my favorite bella bar (we cal her Black Beauty or Bella in the gym). I had a great snatch session, still hitting 115 consistently and with good form, but once I just to 125 I havent been able to stick it. Anyway, I was working up my clean and jerk and was on my second attempt at 185 and had the most ridiculous fail ever. After thinking about it... and talking to M, I realized that I did not release my hook grip. The bar came down, slammed into the top of my knees and pinned my right hand between my knee and my hand... so whats a girl to do? I pulled. This all happened in a split second mind you. I shook my hand because I knew I either broke my nail or jammed a finger, but what I wasnt prepared for is what I saw. I literally ripped the entire pad off the ring finger fingertip on my right hand. Suddenly, I have no fingerprint. Um.... OUCH! That hurt...

Be Better Today

February 22, 2013 Today was an interesting day for me in my training. I was really excited to see that we were going to do 1RM deadlift, as we havent since back sometime last fall. M made it perfectly clear that we were not to "over exert" as we have the open coming up and it takes weeks to come back from a real deadlift 1RM. I have had this arbritrary number of 300# in my head for months, the number that I want to hit for my deadlift. We set my lifts to be 150 for 5, 205 for 3, 255 for 1 than one shot at 300lbs. I failed. You know what... thats ok. I have come to realize that there is so much  more to this whole thing than just numbers. Its so important to be well rounded and have the ability to not only lift a lot but to be able to compete metcons and pull and push my body weight quickly. In the last few months while I have not been focused on the deadlift I added 30+ lbs to my clean and jerk, 20lbs consistently to my snatch and taken minutes off of my times in girl W...

If you practice...

February 21, 2013 ... they will come! I went into the gym for my skill session tonight knowing there are still two very LARGE goats in my life. 1. Handstand Pushups 2. Chest to Bar Pullups One thing is for sure... even though I am not the greatest at handstand pushups... I have come a long way... WARMUP: 3 Rounds - Jump Rope Circuit - 10 Spiderman - 20 Abmat Situps - 10 Around the World Stretch SKILL: Handstand Pushups 10X5 Chest to Bar 10+5 .


February 20, 2013 Someday they will be consistent... WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 2X Shuttle Run - 10 Scorpion - 10 Ring Row - 10 Pushups STRENGTH: OH Press, 12 Min to find 1RM 65, 75, 85, 100 (F), 100(F) WOD: Chicken Wing 3 Rounds for Time - 50 Double Unders - 10 Chest to Bar (7:20 Rx) .

Breaking Skin

February 19, 2013 Well, I spared you all the "nasty" pictures of my dumb ass move with the box cutter, but this couldn't go undocumented! The first pic is right before I got the stitches out and the second is today. Not to shabby eh? But in all seriousness, today is the 19th... so only 12 days ago that was a pretty nasty cut. I have to attribute the quick healing to my diet and health. The Dr also did a great job stitching me up... the "master" stitch remover (big props KP) did a fantastic job as well! I took care of it, kept it clean and was ready to rock and roll at the comp. This morning I decided to just go balls to the wall with it (oddly enough this could be a literal statement in crossfit, but it wasnt today). The stitches are out and I "held together" at the competition. So a little tape, a small piece of gauze and I was ready to get my bar complex on. Ummm... maybe a little too soon. Looked down 8 minutes into the 10 minute WOD and...

Feeling Alive

February 18, 2013 The last few days have been all about working together for me. ML and I attacked Love em or Leave em as a pair on Saturday and today at the gym we had a partner rowing WOD. It is so important in a CF box that we all know how to work together, but I really dont think its something that is hard to do. At CF the community is so social and empowering it is hard to not let those around you not influence your workouts. The positive energy and push that comes from even the newest of faces makes for an experience that you cant get anywhere else. No exception today. JM and I paired up and crushed the 4K partner row, alternating every 500m. She has been really kicking butt lately at rowing and was a perfect pairing for my recovering legs from this weekend. One thing is for sure, we know how to push each other. There was no lack of cheering for each other and once we were done we were right over to the remaining athletes to help get them through the WOD. I love the feeling...


February 17, 2013

Love Em or Leave Em

February 16, 2013 Today was absolutely AMAZING! ML and I had a fantastic time, worked great together and really gave it everything we had to put on a good showing for ourselves and to represent CFW!! We arrived and were excited to get going. They did not release the workouts prior to the even, so we were all in the same boat waiting around until the first set of announcements. At that time we were told that they were not going to tell us any of the workouts until right before the heats were going to start. We knew there were 3 WODs, but were told right away that there was also a floater that had to be completed by noon time. Of course there were all sorts of guessing games going on as they set up for each WOD before announcing what it was. Some were "good" surprises and some... well, not so good!! WOD#1 5 Minute AMRAP Men: 3 Min AMRAP Thrusters (135lbs) - immediately followed by - Women: 2 Min AMRAP Deadlifts (135lbs) (42+65=107)  *We were excited for this o...

Prep Day

February 15, 2013 Prep day, competition tomorrow! I am feeling really excited and looking forward to kicking some butt!! WARMUP: Fishgame 3 Rounds - 5 Inchworm - 10 Jumping Squat - 5 Pushups - 10 Abmat Situps SKILL: Roll/Stretch 4 X 500m Row (1:1 Rest) .

Those who WOD together...

February 14, 2013 ... stay together! Hand off ladies! This one is mine! Thanks A for the pic!! WARMUP:  500m Row 3 Rounds - 10 Spiderman - 20 Double Unders - 10 Shoulder Openers SKILL: Work on Pull From Ground Light Clean and Snatch work (65lbs) Still taking it easy on the thumb for Saturday... .


February 13, 2013 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 10 Air Squats - 10 Hollow Rocks - 5 Handstand Kick Ups - 10 Around the World - 5 Toes to Bar 1-2 Min Stationary Spiderman WOD: Premium 12 Minute AMRAP - 10 HR Pushups - 10m Walking Lunges - 10 Ring Rows (10 + 20 Rx) .


February 12, 2013 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 1/2 Gym Crab Walk - 5 Hand Release Burpees - 5 Inchworms - 10 Abmat Situps - 10 Grasshopper Pigeon Stretch 2 Min ea Leg STRENGTH: Pause Front Squats (3 Sec Pause at Bottom) 5 X 2 @ 70% (155) WOD: Jacobin 4 Rounds for Time - Row 500m - 20 Pullups (Ring Rows, Subbed) (14:33 Rx) .

Double Whammy

February 11, 2013 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - Jump Rope Series - 10 Spiderman - 5 K2E - 10 Shoulder Dislocates - 5 Pistols 1 Min Squat Sit Hold WOD: Double Whammy 7 Minute AMRAP - 10 KB Snatch (one arm, 1 pd) - 30 Double Unders **Rest 5 Min** 5 Minute AMRAP - 5 Deadlift (155) - 10 Med Ball Clean (20) (5 & 4+14 Rx) .


February 10, 2013


February 9, 2013

Make it Work

February 8, 2013 In the words of Tim Gunn (yes I love and watch project runway)... MAKE IT WORK!   I will do what I can to modify workouts so I will not miss any training!  WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 10 Squats - 10 Inchworms - 10 Abmat Situps - 5 Burpees to Target STRENGTH: 1 Squat OTMEM 3 X 1 @ 70% - 165 3 X 1 @ 80% - 190 2 X 1 @ 85% - 200 4 X 1 @ 90% - 215 WOD: 12 Min AMRAP - 10 Pushups - 20 Jumping Squats (45lbs) - 30 Abmat Situps (5 + 10 Rx)


February 7, 2013 The task... open a box of plotter paper... The tool... a simple (yet very sharp) box cutter... The result... my very own trip to the ER... Yep, two stitches and a tetanus shot later and I was back at work. Dummy, dummy, dummy. Thats what you get when you rush. Real conversation between Dr and I; Dr: I am just going to put two stitches in there and you should be all set. Me: Um, how long do you think this will take to heal? Dr: You can have the stitches out in 7-10 days. Me: Hmmm, well, I have a "weight lifting" competition next Saturday... do you think I will be ok by than to lift? Dr: Err... Yeah, I guess so, I dont see why not... Me: Ok thanks. - Dr walks out to the nurses station and I hear him say to them... "whelp, thats the first time I have ever been asked that before!" and they all giggle as he explains... Glad I could make them all laugh... Heres hoping I am good to go for Love em or Leave em! .