Be Better Today

February 22, 2013

Today was an interesting day for me in my training. I was really excited to see that we were going to do 1RM deadlift, as we havent since back sometime last fall. M made it perfectly clear that we were not to "over exert" as we have the open coming up and it takes weeks to come back from a real deadlift 1RM. I have had this arbritrary number of 300# in my head for months, the number that I want to hit for my deadlift. We set my lifts to be 150 for 5, 205 for 3, 255 for 1 than one shot at 300lbs. I failed. You know what... thats ok.

I have come to realize that there is so much  more to this whole thing than just numbers. Its so important to be well rounded and have the ability to not only lift a lot but to be able to compete metcons and pull and push my body weight quickly. In the last few months while I have not been focused on the deadlift I added 30+ lbs to my clean and jerk, 20lbs consistently to my snatch and taken minutes off of my times in girl WODs and other metcons. I am ok with missing 300lbs for my deadlift today. I will get there. Hard work, training and dedication has got me this far. Just keep moving forward.

2 Min Double Unders
3 Rounds
- 5 Inchworms
- 10 Spiderman
- 5 Jumping Squats
1 X 9 Fundamentals

Deadlift, 12 Min to find 1RM
150 (5), 205 (3), 255 (1), 300 (F)

WOD: 12.3
- 15 Box Jumps
- 12 Push Press
- 9 Toes to Bar
(8+32 Rx)



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