Howdy Padna
March 2, 2013
Some days are just pure frustrating at this point. I am at the point now in my Oly sessions where a 5 lb PR is going to be a big one. I really have to focus and get into a good position with my form for both the snatch and the clean and jerk at the weights I am consistent with, than push to get ahead. The Saturday sessions are really helping a lot, my snatch while the number hasnt gone up, is feeling a lot better, once I can nail it, I will be on a roll. I am really looking forward to the day I hit 200lbs on the clean, but again, I am trying to not get ahead of myself. I will get there!
After the Oly session the WOD was so much fun! There was an extremely large 11:00 group to WOD and it was a partner one at that! What a blast! I was paired up with KG and we just worked really well together. First time I have worked with her and I am sure it wont be the last!
Snatch Warmup
Snatch - 15 Min
85, 105, 115, 125 (F), 125 (F)
Clean and Jerk - 15 Min
125, 155, 165, 175 (F)
WOD: Partner Dash
2 Rounds for Time
- 40 Partner Wall Ball
- Wheel Barrel (both partners down and back)
- 20 Partner Deadlifts (225)
- Buddy Carry (both partners down and back)
(Twin Towers 6:14 Rx)
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