July 27, 2012

Today is a bitter sweet day for me. When my brother Josh died my mom,dad and some Josh's closest friends decided that we were not ready to let him go so easily. We decided that the perfect thing to do would be to host a golf tournament (he was an avid golfer) in his memory and use the money that we raise to give two students who are graduating from the high school we went to in a scholarship.

As I mentioned the other day, 12 years have passed since Joshua died... and we are still going strong with a golf tournament that we have held July since, this year being the 11th tournament. We have awarded $35,000 over the years in his memory. Each year we hand select the two students to receive the scholarship and more often than not we receive a beautiful letter from each of the kids thanking us for choosing them amongst all of the other students we could have picked. I like to think that none of these kids know what its like to lose someone so close to them. I remember when I attended the same awards, not really being able to understand exactly where all this money comes from and why people do it. We include a letter with our scholarship telling the selected student why they were selected and a little about how fantastic Josh was.

Each year gets harder and harder, but easier and easier. We now have a system of how to run everything. My dad, mom and two of my friends really take control of the "planning" portion of the tournament. We get the applications out, the shirts and balls ordered that we give away and start gathering all the other things we need to make the day a success. Every has their moment of stress, but we know it will all pull together in the end. My friends who dont golf volunteer and those who do play... it is such a fun time to see everyone and we really couldnt do this without their support.

Its an amazing sight. We typically have 144 golfers show up to play in honor of Josh. There are very few people that play that didnt actually know Josh. Those people I feel really gain an understanding of who he was when they are surrounded with everyone that day. Everyone who is there knows what they are there for. Who they are remembering and with a smile, hug and squeeze the embrace my mom, dad, Eric and myself to let us know they will never forget him.

This year after the tournament I took the microphone before Eric could get his hands on it first (he typically does the welcome). I was ready to welcome and thank all who had attended. In that, I thanked everyone and as we say every year, I would give every second of it back... every minute of each of these gatherings back, just for one more day. One more smile. Not only that, but I was more than thrilled to be STANDING at the front of that room with Eric. Just a few short months ago I was standing over him in a hospital bed. I am so unbelievably thankful that our Angel saved him. I hope he understands that.

So, if you are wondering... do I golf? Um, well... I have clubs, and shoes, and a bag... Realistically if I take my time and really play its not too bad. I just dont take the time to practice so I cant expect to get better. My friends J and J and my cousin A play every year together, we have a great time, lots of laughs and we even play a little golf while we drive around the course! We started dressing around year 3, just for fun (because we thought it might distract from how bad we suck)... we have done everything from Umpa Loompas, to giant afros... and this year, we decided to be "Super Heros." What a sight!!

Hubs and I havent seen a lot of the people we see that day since last year. We got quite a few comments about our weight and condition... not going to lie, always a booster! Typically the day winds up a drunken haze for me, but this year was different. I wasnt interested. I had a few beers but really took how I feel when I am recovering into consideration and just didnt want that for Saturday. I was cautious of what I was consuming during the meal as well. What was funny was at the end of the night when Hubs and I got in the car to go home I said "I feel awesome." I didnt feel like crap like I usually do at the end of the night. No headache, no drunkies... it was great!!

We had gone to CFW in the morning, Hubs got a dose of 5:30am again... its been a while since he has been there that early! I was really happy with myself, I PRed my clean and jerk and had a great WOD rowing with Matt. Set me off for a great day with my whole family!

400m Rum
3 Rounds
- 5 Burpees
- 10 Ring Rows
- 15 Shoulder Dislocates
400m Run
Group: Clean and Jerk

2K Team Row
(Me and Matt 7:17)

Clean and Jerk 2-2-1-1-1
95 (2), 125 (2), 130 (1), 135 (1), 140 (1)

Ab Circuit (3 Rounds)
- 20 Abmat Situps
- 20 Back Extensions
- 20 Hollow Rocks



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