
August 25, 2012

Seriously... this was one of the funnest days I have had in a long time! What a great family we have at Crossfit Wachusett! K and M did a fantastic job putting together three great WOD's for us to have an in-house throw down as preparation for the Garage Games in two weeks! What a blast!

Great job to all the athletes!! Lots of PR's and lots of new accomplishments and firsts as well!! It was so nice to see some new faces that I havent met yet, so wonderful of you all to come out and play!! Also fantastic to have our friend J come out and throw down with CrossFit Wachusett from his home at Crossfit Center Mass and A from EXP! Love to have so many great people who share the same interests in the same place at the same time!

The cookout afterward was also fantastic! Kicking back for some beverages, food and conversation... on the new sidewalk (thank you Fitchburg DPW, haha). Lots of laughs and fun times to go down in the CrossFit Wachusett books!

Have I ever mentioned how much I love CrossFit? Just wondering...

This was taken as Heat #1 took off for WOD#2, a 200m weighted run.
3...2...1.. GO!

3 Rounds
- 200m Run
- 10 Pushups
- 10 Ring Rows
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Inchworms

WOD #1:
5 Minute to establish 1RM Clean and Jerk
3 Rounds for Time
- 20 Wall Balls (14lbs)
- 15 KB Swings (1.5 pd)
- 10 Pullups
(155lb Clean and Jerk "PR" and 7:13 Rx)

WOD #2:
For Time
200m Weighted Run (25lbs)
- Push Press (65lb)
- Box Jumps (24")
200m Weighted Run (25lbs)

WOD #3:
"Sleigh Ride" for Time
- Sled Push 50' (205lbs)
- 10 Alternating Pistols
- Sled Push 50' (205lbs)
(37.25 Seconds Rx)

Challenge Day 6
Breakfast: 2 Eggs (over easy) and 3 slices of bacon
Post WOD #1: Shake
Post WOD #2: Shake
Lunch: Zucchini and Sausage Pesto Rolls, Anti-Pasta-Salad (with no cheese) and a Hamburger
Dinner: 3 oz Flank Steak with Butternut Squash



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