Its Worth It
July 28, 2012
Today was another prime example of why I love my gym, wny CrossFit Wachusett has made such an impact on my life. Hubs and I slept in a little bit and got to the gym around 9:30-10:00, we were ready for our make up WOD that we both missed on our skill day on Thursday. There was great energy already pumping through the place and it just made me that much more excited to WOD. ML and JM were also doing Thursdays WOD, but were already warmed up so while Hubs and I did I warmup we were able to cheer on and encourage them to work through to the very end of the 10 minute AMRAP. As I said, the energy was so high we were all yelling and pushing. It was great!
Hubs and I had our opportunity to tackle the WOD next and ML and JM stayed right in the gym with us to do the same for us that we did for them. We worked hard and kept pushing through the whole workout. Its amazing how it feels to have someone tell you to get moving and get back on the bar... or back to whatever you are working on, it reaches inside you and forces you to find all the energy you have left to push harder and work faster... When the WOD is over and you know you put it all on the table there is no better feeling! One that you love to hate!
When the WOD was done JM and I started working on our muscle up transitions. Thats one of my goals within the next year, a muscle up. What better time to start working on them than now! We worked from the ground than she challenged me to try an unassisted ring dip since I havent tried one yet. I have been working a lot on the GHD to get dips without a band. Wouldnt you know it, I tried it on the rings and HOLY CRAP!! I did it! We progressed from there to the hanging rings and started working jumping transitions. Basically just jumping and getting the pull than transition into the low dip. Finally after doing that over and over and getting some actually all the way up than extended into the top of the muscle up (whooo hooo) we wanted to see abut that kip! Yeah... we worked and worked and eventually we were smoked, BUT, she did awesome!! She was thisclose to getting a MU!! I was so proud of her and both of us. We worked together and really tried to help each other out!
Finally after all the chaos was over, the REAL chaos began! Hubs and I stuck around and helped finish up the remodel of the gym!! It was a fantastic day filled with lots of hard work, lots of laughs and lots of really amazing people. Really, there is something about being involved in watching the dreams and K and M unfold that I cant describe. We have such a wonderful community at CFW and I am so proud and privileged to be a part of it!
3 Rounds
- Run 200
- 4 Handstand Kick Ups with Shoulder Touch
- 10 Abmat Situps
- 10 Back Extensions
- 10 Spiderman
WOD: "Force"
10 Minute AMRAP
- 20 Double Unders
- 10 Push Press (75)
- 5 Toes to Bar
(6 Rounds + 25 Rx)
MU Practice
*Unassisted Ring Dip!! PR*
Today was another prime example of why I love my gym, wny CrossFit Wachusett has made such an impact on my life. Hubs and I slept in a little bit and got to the gym around 9:30-10:00, we were ready for our make up WOD that we both missed on our skill day on Thursday. There was great energy already pumping through the place and it just made me that much more excited to WOD. ML and JM were also doing Thursdays WOD, but were already warmed up so while Hubs and I did I warmup we were able to cheer on and encourage them to work through to the very end of the 10 minute AMRAP. As I said, the energy was so high we were all yelling and pushing. It was great!
Hubs and I had our opportunity to tackle the WOD next and ML and JM stayed right in the gym with us to do the same for us that we did for them. We worked hard and kept pushing through the whole workout. Its amazing how it feels to have someone tell you to get moving and get back on the bar... or back to whatever you are working on, it reaches inside you and forces you to find all the energy you have left to push harder and work faster... When the WOD is over and you know you put it all on the table there is no better feeling! One that you love to hate!
When the WOD was done JM and I started working on our muscle up transitions. Thats one of my goals within the next year, a muscle up. What better time to start working on them than now! We worked from the ground than she challenged me to try an unassisted ring dip since I havent tried one yet. I have been working a lot on the GHD to get dips without a band. Wouldnt you know it, I tried it on the rings and HOLY CRAP!! I did it! We progressed from there to the hanging rings and started working jumping transitions. Basically just jumping and getting the pull than transition into the low dip. Finally after doing that over and over and getting some actually all the way up than extended into the top of the muscle up (whooo hooo) we wanted to see abut that kip! Yeah... we worked and worked and eventually we were smoked, BUT, she did awesome!! She was thisclose to getting a MU!! I was so proud of her and both of us. We worked together and really tried to help each other out!
Finally after all the chaos was over, the REAL chaos began! Hubs and I stuck around and helped finish up the remodel of the gym!! It was a fantastic day filled with lots of hard work, lots of laughs and lots of really amazing people. Really, there is something about being involved in watching the dreams and K and M unfold that I cant describe. We have such a wonderful community at CFW and I am so proud and privileged to be a part of it!
3 Rounds
- Run 200
- 4 Handstand Kick Ups with Shoulder Touch
- 10 Abmat Situps
- 10 Back Extensions
- 10 Spiderman
WOD: "Force"
10 Minute AMRAP
- 20 Double Unders
- 10 Push Press (75)
- 5 Toes to Bar
(6 Rounds + 25 Rx)
MU Practice
*Unassisted Ring Dip!! PR*
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